

Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 1



Missionary Independent Spiritual Church 

	Board Meeting 6/1/11, 3:30pm PT - 5:30pm PT


	Sindy Todo
	Briana Saussy
	Fred Burke
	catherine yronwode
	nagasiva yronwode
	by phone conference.

	The following members of the Board were elected:
		catherine yronwode, nagasiva yronwode, 
		Fred Burke, Sindy Todo, and Briana Saussy.
	Officer appointments were as follows:
		President: catherine yronwode
		Vice President: Fred Burke
		Treasurer: Sindy Todo
		Secretary: nagasiva yronwode



- Open House and Workshops Results, May 8th and 9th

	Bishop catherine reports that everything went well,
	that there was a last minute substitution for the 
	Sangoma Bone Reading Workshop to be put on by
	Jerome Finley and this was handled quite at the
	last minute by Reverend D. John Michael Hilford. 
	Rev. Hilford was a student and colleague of Mr. Finley,
	and willing to come to our aid to substitute for
	Finley, in part in solidarity with our church and 
	our projects, having to cancel a previous
	Mother's Day engagement he'd made in England.
	Reverend Hilford also was taken with the Crystal
	Silence League (see below) and wanted to assist
	in the announcement of, and participation in,
	the distribution of prayer through this network.
	He therefore volunteered to provide the blessing
	of Bishop Briana Saussy's child Jasper as part of
	that announcement, and this, in combination with
	the Bone Reading Workshop (revised for the
	instruction by Rev. Hilford) were both successes.
	The new Cookbook "Hoodoo Food!" 2011 was printed.
	Additionally, the workshop put on for the second
	year in a row by Sister Robin generated a further
	edition of the Cookbook which will be used in four
	years to construct a squarebound publication of
	recipes and conjure purposes for which they are
	designed. There are now 2 editions of this which
	have resulted from last year's and this year's
	'Conjure Cookoff' workshops.

	Bishop Sindy Todo requested that a 3-book set be
	sent to her as she had been unable to attend, and
	Bishop nagasiva confirmed that this would be done.
	 {and it was subsequently sent off to her. ny}
	A new pavillion set-up purchased by Lucky Mojo for
	the event made it possible to have a set-aside reading
	area, and photographs were taken of this arrangement.
	Additionally, Alan Scott took video of the event and
	these will eventually make their way to the Lucky Mojo
	website, inclusive of the beautiful array of
	crystal balls.

	Sindy conferred with the CPA she knows and confirmed the value
	of waiting until our 501c3 approval before separating completely
	our books and payroll, and accepting the business now handled by
	Lucky Mojo Curio Company (for candle services). Its detail has
	had the ground laid for it with the construction of the new
	church database, but this is just the first step to autonomy.

	2010 - approx. $2000 income and about $400 loss for the year
	2011 - approx. $1130 income so far (a good deal of it from 
			the May Workshops event; without debits yet reported)

REPORT FROM SECRETARY (Bishop nagasiva yronwode)

	The Board has through the course of the past year completed its
	revision and review of the Church Bylaws, which have received
	unanimous Board approval and become part of our filing process.
	The CPA recommended to us by our lawyer Don Winkle completely
	abandoned the process of our filing for the 501c3 approval
	and provided nagasiva with the forms and minimum instructions
	after filling out the form to the extent she was able after
	sitting on it for 6 months. nagasiva will need to coordinate
	this filing after a few more questions of clarification.
	Ms. Goranzon, the CPA, apologized profusely and forfeited
	her fees (no receipt was forthcoming, just email). Delays
	included code errors in the files sent by the CPA in email,
	necessitating a hard copy, as well as a few errors in the
	dates of our anniversary and accounting.


a.	AIRR COMMITTEE (Bishop catherine yronwode)
	Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

	AIRR is doing very well; new members have joined, some members 
	will not be renewing; also people have interest who need to
	take the course first.
	The site is growing; and the yahoo group remains active and of
	value to its participants. Edward Gutierrez has spearheaded a
	project as part of the Tech Team of creating the various pages
	necessary to fill out the African diasporic religious tradition.
	A project begun by catherine and added to by Bishop Fred Burke, 
	Sexton Matthew Pavesic, and Bishop Briana Saussy is the Book of 
	Psalms. It is now being completed by catherine and Ali Olomi. It's
	a master page for scrolling for Psalms for use in conjure. Some
	of their contents are from "Secrets of the Psalms" (by Selig).
	The page is not hosted at AIRR; it will be hosted at the churches
	in our denomination. One would then click from Psalm to church
	pages and be taken to the main church site. This should increase
	traffic on website.
	A project in the works is based on "On the Benefits of Reciting
	the Surahs", which is to break this apart surah by surah for a
	similar type of online practical reference for use by Muslim
	folk magicians.

	OMBUDSMAN of AIRR (Bishop Brianna Saussy)
		It's been quiet for the past year with minimum complaints
		Some suggestions for clients, workers helped, as did the
		construction of a singular complaint filing process.
		The complaints that were received primarily had to do
		with failure of communication/contact.
			First main issue was with Professor Porterfield.
			His client paid him for a 1/2 hour reading, then
			emailed him twice, and Lara Rivera posted to the 
			yahoo group (Lara/Dave are living in the same 
			house as Charles). His email was forwarding to
			her as was previously taken care of by her (but
			this time we weren't notified of it). The
			professor told Bri he was not going to renew
			his membership in AIRR.
		catherine suggested that we pay the client and
		*remove* Charles from AIRR, and there was a
		general consensus that this was a proper solution.

		It was suggested that a standard be established for
		the Ombudsman that 3 attempts attempts at communication
		were sufficient to coordinate with someone listed at
		the site: 1) through the AIRR yahoo group, 2) via phone, 
		and 3) via email. The Ombudsman may then report this to
		the church Board for a decision about how to handle it.
		There was a general consensus about this procedure.
		Robin York and Starr have also had occasional communication
		problems but these have been resolved with the mediation of
		the Ombudsman. At most they received a single phone call 
		from the Ombudsman and they repaired their communication 
		issues after such contact.
		Several developments within the year were reported which
		pertain to technology and personnel. Lara Rivera may become a
		communication problem or lapse from membership. We have once
		again to consider whether the committee will be listing those
		who are readers and not rootworker (currently this is 
		specified on their AIRR page).
		catherine formally stated that at this point the decision was
		that in order to be listed as part of the project you have to
		be a rootworker also, and not merely a reader. In response to
		this statement there was a consensus agreement.

		nagasiva agreed to contact Professor Porterfield via Facebook
		should he decide to continue with AIRR and explain to him
		that like Doctor Johannes, those who go on sabbatical still
		needs to pay their annual fee.

		For someone who DID want to rejoin but not at the usal annual
		renewal, it was agreed that there would be another $30.00 for
		compensating the Tech Team for their efforts, and then a
		$100.00 fee at the time, due again at the next June 1st.
		Within 1 year such a renewal might be initiated, but afterward
		the application process would need be used again with a
		$100.00 fee payment. There was general agreement on this plan.


b.	THE FAN FUND (Bishop Fred Burke)

		There were similar administrative problems with the fan 
		producers this time around as the first attempt earlier
		this year. The salesperson was handling it and has been 
		rectified. We revised reformat of our quark documents
		to a different size. A template awas needed, and this
		made it easier to communicate our actual requirements
		to the printer. At this rate we may not be printing 
		the next fan until 2013! Reports as developments arise.


c.	LADIES AUXILIARY (Bishop catherine yronwode for Sister Robin)

		Sister Robin Petersen is the head of the Ladies Auxiliary,
		and Bishop catherine yronwode reported for her.
		As referred to above, in relation to the May Workshop
		success, we now have 2 Publications of Hoodoo Food! 
		(2010, and 2011). The 2010 first publishing (100 of
		them printed at Kinkos) was sold out and reprinted
		(100 more). We had a good turnout for the workshop,
		awarded prizes, and there were rave reviews. We will
		continue to make these booklets until it can be turned
		into a compendium as a square bound book!


d.	THE CRYSTAL SILENCE LEAGUE (Bishop catherine yronwode)

		First proposed at a church Board Meeting on 11/30/07 as:
		"It is resolved that the Crystal Silence League network 
		of prayerful individuals shall be re-created and the
		publication formerly available from Claude Alexander Conlin, 
		which described a previously-functional network of similar
		capacity and with the same name, will be published by the 
		Missionary Independent Spiritual Church and put forth in
		PDF or other format for distribution and cultivation of
		the League's continued existence."
		-- Newsletter Vol. 2, No. 6

		The league was started by C. Alexander in 1919. Bishops
		Fred, catherine, and nagasiva put together a revision of
		his text, "The Crystal Silence League: Personal Codes,
		Lessons, and Instructions". A rough was put together for
		the workshop. We just received shipment of the revised 
		cover. All Board members will get 2 copies of the book.
		All affiliated churches who distribute the book will
		receive a CD and permission to reprint them. Such
		permission consists of what can be changed:
			* inside front cover 
			(currently information data for Missionary
			Independent in Forestville and Four Altars in 
			the High Desert of California), 
			* page 32
			(currently an explanation for how to direct prayers
			to the league for assistance), and
			* the inside back cover
			(currently listings for spheres).
		and what CANNOT be changed: ALL OF THE REST OF THE BOOK.

		These web pages will be revised so as to list the book:
		Dr. Kioni, Bishop Emeritus, has asked for the right to distribute 
		the book also. His church needs to formally affiliate with ours
		before we will allow such a distribution. We have 3 other
		applicants, as well as affiliation requests. These were included
		in the 'official version' as just arrived today. More on
		affiliation and how this is to be handled below.


		It was suggested that our denomination be expanded so as to
		incorporate into it an informal affiliation with the following

        * Sanctuary Of United Light 
               San Antonio, Texas. Pastor: Rev. Briana Saussy.

        * Sacred Clarity Spiritual Church 
               Dallas, Texas. Pastor: Rev. Valentina Burton.

        * Santisima Muerte Chapel of Perpetual Pilgrimage 
               Forestville, California. Pastor: Rev. Sister Robin Petersen.

        * House of Prophecy Spiritual Church 
               Birmingham, Alabama. Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey Vanderson, D.D.

		There was general consensus about the establishment of this
		informal affiliation, with further decisions on it tabled
		until a later date.


        * Divine Harmony Spiritual Church 
               Miami, Florida. Pastor: Rev. D. John Michael Hilford.



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